Guest Artist Manoj Gurung in Sydney
Guest artist Manoj Gurung has arrived in Sydney. He arrived on Wednesday the 3rd of January, 2018 welcomed warmly by committee members of Tamu Samaj Sydney including the president of TSS Mr. Tanka Gurung and other present and past members of the committee. With the date looming right onto us and having the guest artist with us has now given the vibe that ‘Yes the day is here’. Finally the wait for the most joyous and entertaining event of the entire year “Lhochaar 2018” is over. Make sure you have this weekend off for this wonderful evening.
Date: Saturday, 6th January, 2018.
Venue: 16 McMahon Center, Hurstville, Sydney
Time: 5:00 pm sharp. Lama Matra at the start followed by Cultural Performances including foods.
Haven’t bought the tickets, do so now.
Ticket: $30 per person.
Door Sale: $35 per person.
Free for children Under 15.
Contact the following people to book them now.
Tanka Gurung : 0412 777 507
Bhoj Gurung: 0422 543 373
Prem Gurung: 0421 076 076
Deb Gurung: 0422 031 661
Pritha Gurung: 0412 780 004
You Gurung: 0452 278 004